Update on new opportunity

November 18, 2020



Dear Genesis Friends,



Warm greetings from chilly St. Louis! Recently, we told you about an amazing opportunity to purchase an existing school campus. This facility would serve as a government approved educational site to begin Genesis University South Africa classes!


In the last few days, another exciting opportunity has providentially come our way. I received a call from a South African man named Jonathan Klimek.  Jono (as he is known in South Africa) is planting a church in the Fourways area of Johannesburg.  This is the same location where the school is for sale!  We are discussing a partnership with Living Stone Bible Church to use the new Genesis campus as a church plant.


Purchasing this school would serve three purposes:


• Present us with the best opportunity for government approval & accreditation
• Provide Genesis its own campus and facility to start school
• Promote the Living Stone Bible Church plant and reach out to one of the fastest growing communities in all of South Africa. 

The cost to purchase the Crawford school campus and get the premises ready for Genesis University and Living Stone Bible Church is only $3,250,000!


This is an incredible opportunity to spread the gospel, raise up Christian leaders, advance His church and to cultivate biblical worldview.  We can’t do this alone.  We need your help!


If you would like to support the purchase of this site, please visit our website, or contact Dr. Steve Spencer at:
Phone: (314) 309-0265
Email: steve.spencer@genesissouthafrica.org


Thank you for your prayerful consideration!


His, yours,

