What is Truth?
These three words continue to be asked by philosophers, teachers, scientists, religious leaders, artists, government administrators, parents and students throughout the centuries. It’s a great question.
Jesus answers this question. Unfortunately, Pontius Pilate wasn't listening (John 18:38).
In the Bible we discover that God is truth.
He is the Creator, Revealer and Sustainer of truth. God’s truth is not subjective, relative, or based upon a personal feeling. God’s truth is absolute, universal and eternal. His truth is the source of all truth. And the Bible is God’s written resource of truth (John 17:17). God’s Word is holy, infallible, inerrant and sufficient.
God’s document of truth, the Bible, calls us to be set apart for Him and His sovereign purposes.
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Christian education is a celebration of God, His truth, and His sovereign and divine purposes for mankind.
Three Pillars
Christian higher education is a God-given ministry effort that stands on three pillars – dedication, integration and transformation.
Christian education is a dedication to the unity of God’s truth which is Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, and Bible-based. God’s truth is not a portion of education, but the essence, of all learning.
Christian education is an integration of the principles of Christianity and the practical application of instruction and learning. Legitimate Christian instruction is an intentional endeavor to balance God’s truth, empower students with a Christian worldview, and promote the acquisition of academic disciplines that are excellent and bring glory to God, His church, His gospel, His people and His Great Commission.
Not only is Christian education a dedication to, and an integration of God’s truth, but it is also a transformation of God’s world. Christian academic learning is an important dimension of faithful responsibility to God’s Word in relationship to loving God, celebrating His creation, restoring His world, serving and sacrificing for others, being salt and light to a fallen world, and honoring His Great Name.
So what does the practice of God’s truth look like in education?
Genesis South Africa will promote a Christian worldview in the context of academic rigor within a caring, faith community. Professors will mentor, counsel, and pray with students. Chapel services will be held where faculty and students can worship together. Business students will not only learn about economics and marketing, but what the Bible says about money and integrity. Education students will learn the philosophy, psychology, and practice of education from a biblical and moral perspective.
What is Truth?
Christian education is the proclamation and practical integration of Jesus Christ as the Word of truth, the Holy Spirit as the power of truth, and the Bible as the source of truth. The Apostle Paul eloquently writes about this to his dear brothers and sisters in Philippi. Paul says,
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
A Christian education is a commitment of allegiance to both principle and practice of God’s truth.
So what does the practice of God’s truth look like in education?
Genesis South Africa will promote a Christian worldview in the context of academic rigor within a caring, faith community. Professors will mentor, counsel, and pray with students. Chapel services will be held where faculty and students can worship together. Business students will not only learn about economics and marketing, but what the Bible says about money and integrity. Education students will learn the philosophy, psychology, and practice of education from a biblical and moral perspective.
All students will grow in their knowledge of educational principles, but also in their faith and spiritual maturity.
Future graduates will not merely study to prepare for a living. Genesis students will be shaped to live lives as disciples of Jesus Christ, and His kingdom.
The secular view of higher education says, “What kind of Job can I get with my education or degree?” Thus, secular education is, in essence, vocational training and preparation.
The biblical view of higher education says, “How is my education affecting the way I obey, serve, communicate and give glory to the Creator?” Therefore, Christian education is the preparation of Christian persons who are being called into a particular vocation for the glory of God and His kingdom.
Because a Christian education is the education of a person, a Christian liberal arts education is focused on the education of a whole person.
Educating the Whole Person
Emphasizing a liberal arts curriculum, Genesis South Africa will promote learning that is broad and biblical in philosophy, purpose and practice. A Christian liberal arts curriculum will provide students the opportunity to see education, not only from a specialized discipline of study, but also from an extensive Christian view of the world.
What is Truth?
Genesis South Africa will declare the principle and practice of God’s truth. Genesis will not only advance scholarship, improve personal relationships, develop and unite a Christian agenda, promote transformation, and empower the next generation of Christian leaders with a biblical worldview, but equally important, will have the potential to cultivate spiritual reformation.
So what is truth? Jesus tells us what truth is in John 14:6:
I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me!
The mission of Genesis South Africa is evident in the motto, “For Christ and His Truth.” If this is your motto also, then join us in this exciting new venture.