October 27, 2020 Dear Friends, Crossroads is described in the Oxford Dictionary as “a point at which a crucial decision must be made and will have far-reaching consequences.” The Genesis University South Africa project is at such a point! For the last two years we have been busy starting up a non-profit corporation, creating policy, working on government regulations, and developing curriculum. Our first phase target budget of $640,000 has been raised, and now we are ready to present final applications for accreditation to the government of South Africa. These are exciting times! There is one more very important piece of the puzzle that needs to be completed before we can submit our applications. We need a government approved site to begin classes. All our former attempts to find a suitable location have been unproductive. But as we have looked, waited and prayed for the right place, God has providentially put a very important opportunity in our path. This is our crossroads! In God’s perfect timing, we have an amazing opportunity to purchase a school campus! 
The above picture is Crawford Primary School, Fourways, Johannesburg (AdvTech Properties) What are the benefits of purchasing an existing school facility? 1. Guaranteed educational zoning and a facility already approved by government. 2. The freedom of ownership and the ability for unhindered growth. 3. An opportunity to offer multiple degrees and services. 4. Economic stability and the security to move forward through our next phases. In order to move forward with Ministry of Education approval and accreditation, we absolutely need a site! And if we purchase a pre-existing school campus, we need your help! How? First, we need you to pray for wisdom as we trust the Lord to lead us to the right facility. We have already visited several schools and are working with developers and attorneys to help us make sensible decisions. Second, in order to procure a site, we need your generous financial support. Acquiring an educational facility will necessitate substantial capital investment from our faithful and generous friends. Starting a Christian, liberal arts university in South Africa does have far-reaching spiritual consequences. God is moving and we want you to be a part of this amazing opportunity. Will you be willing to help us navigate this crucial crossroads? Thank you for prayerfully considering our request. If you would like to help us purchase a site, please visit our website for support options, or contact Dr. Steve Spencer at (314) 309-0265 or Email: steve.spencer@genesissouthafrica.org His, yours, Steve Spencer Genesis University South Africa |